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"House of Bendhor-le Fay Jan Berghuis", "decoratieschilder"
Graining and Marble imitations
Metals, Furs and Leather
Examples of existing woods and marbles from nature imitated for the use on walls , frameworks , doors and paneling. But also other structures like the metals, furs and leatherskins can add a special touch on contemporary interiors.
Hout- en Marmerimitatie
Voorbeelden van hout-, marmer-, metaal-, bont- en leerimitaties.
Alle klassieke soorten zijn toepasbaar op muren, deuren en meubels. Maar ook moderne structuren zijn natuurlijk prima inpasbaar in hedendaagse interieurs "decoratieschilder"
White Carrara, Roman acanthus
Old Oak, Baroque Clair Obscur
Burl: ash, red walnut, palmwood
Amboina Burl
Breche Oriental, Bardiglio
Breche Violet, Levanto Rosso
Amboina, Yew, Coromandel .
Rouge Royale, St.Anna.
Oyster Olive, Myrtle burl, Rosewood, Platane
Cherry, Pear, Apple
Birds eye Maple, Walnut

Birds eye Maple, Breche Oriental

Cerancolin marbles
with faux mouldings

White maple, Spa wood

Coromandel, mahogany

walnut, burl walnut on panels

Walnut and Lapis Lazulli light and dark

Sienna unito

St. Remy

Breche Blanc

Breche blanc


White Cararra marble with Breche blanc

Breche d Álep, Griotte de Italia

Oak doorpanel
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