"House of Bendhor-le Fay Jan Berghuis", "decoratieschilder"

Decoratieschilderbedrijf sinds 1987. Jan Berghuis is de vierde generatie binnen een familie van decoratieschilders.
Gespecialiseerd in klassiek en modern sierschilderwerk van o.a. meubels, muren, plafonds, deuren en ramen.
Denk aan prachtige muurbeschilderingen zoals complete panorama’s en idyllische vergezichten met perspectief.
Daarnaast ook de bekende hout- en marmerimatie’s bijzonder geschikt voor lambriseringen, schouwen, trappenhuizen, etc.
Plafonds met klassieke wolkenluchten met vogels, of juist modern met humor.
Vooral het segment trompe l’oeil binnen het decoratiewerk is een grote specialiteit.
Het maken van belettering op voordeuren alsmede oorkondes en heraldiek behoren standaard tot het pakket.
Dan nog meubeldecoraties waarmee zoveel mogelijkheden zijn: o.a. het bekende patineren waarvoor vele stalen en voorbeelden in het atelier voorradig zijn om uit te kiezen. Daarnaast zijn er veel portfolio boeken vol fotografie .
In 1992 heeft "decoratieschilder" Jan Berghuis het boek voor de Monumentenzorg geschreven over toepassing en uitvoering van hout-en marmerimitaties.
In 1997 heeft hij voor het eerst de Salon georganiseerd en opgericht voor internationale decoratieschilders welke elk jaar in een ander land terugkomt. In 2006 is de Salon zelfs voor een tweede maal georganiseerd in Nederland.
In 1999 is hij aangesloten als Freeman bij “the Worshipful Company of Painters-Stainers” te Londen.
2021 winnaar Nationale Schildervakprijs catagorie Decoratieschilderen.
Jan Berghuis, born and still living in The Hague-Netherlands, started graining already at the age of eight and comes from a long line of painters in his family. Great-grand-father was a traveling sign-writer. Grand-father, Jan # 1, a specialist in imitations, started the family business. Father, Jan # 2, followed that initiative and is nowadays a landmark in Holland and Belgium. Jan # 3, the recent one, went through the Painters School Nimeto in Utrecht 1980 and after that worked in the family business for another seven years. In 1987 he started his firm "House of Bendhor - Le Fay" that specialized in decorative painting. It was then that he developed many painted furniture collections as well as "Fresco"collections and sold through European (and an American) agents. After years of research, his first book was published in 1992 through the Dutch Monumental Care concerning wood-and marble imitations as a standard in the restoration-world. In 1993 he attended in Kuurne-Belgium the first gathering of decorative painters which was followed up in France. It was 1997 that he made the initiative to create (and perpetuate) the "Salon" according to new standards. Through this, Berghuis had broken through a barrier to have international individual decorative painters communicating and raising the general technical level. In 1999 he joined in London "The Worshipful Company of Painters-Stainers" and became a freeman of the company as well as freeman of the City of London. After Salon 2003 the book of Martin Benad "Trompe Lóeil Today" gave detailed attention in a seperate chapter to his visions and works.
In the process of his second book about future dimensions in decorative painting, he is more or less an Avant-Garde within the decorative world trying to have the ancient techniques entwined with modern fashions. He is specialized in Conceptual decorative painting and known for his renewal use of materials, structures and colors. Currently Berghuis is investigating the power of anamorphic painting, secret paintings and double sight. Jan Berghuis´ works and writings have been in several newspapers and magazines. He organized, again, in 2006 another Dutch "Salon".
In 2021 he won the National Craft Paintersprize, section Decorative Painting.

Chicago, 2008
with Patrick Kirwin and Erik Peitersen

National Painters Craft Prize 2021